chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Long Time, No Write…

Recap, along with an update. It's been 7 months since I have posted anything. And let me tell you that it has been a very wild ride with my health. Both my physical & mental health. If you haven't read my blog before, you should know that I have several chronic illnesses. In 2013, when… Continue reading Long Time, No Write…

chronic illness, Fun Stuff, mental health

Who ya gonna call?

Have you seen a ghost, spook, or specter? I have! I know, I know…it's been well over a year since I wrote anything publicly on WordPress. A metric ass-ton of things & upheavals have happened in my life, outside of this current BS of a pandemic. Actually, I do believe NONE of the upheavals have… Continue reading Who ya gonna call?

chronic illness, domestic violence, mental health, Self-Esteem

Sorry for my absence for the past 2 years

I've not written a blog for close to 2 years, due to some comments I had gotten stuck on a loop in my brain during mental health month the other year regarding my one blog publication. The odd thing is, my therapist loved it. He had said he was proud of me for bringing frankness… Continue reading Sorry for my absence for the past 2 years

chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Long Time, No Write…

Recap, along with an update. It's been 7 months since I have posted anything. And let me tell you that it has been a very wild ride with my health. Both my physical & mental health. If you haven't read my blog before, you should know that I have several chronic illnesses. In 2013, when… Continue reading Long Time, No Write…

chronic illness, mental health

A confession on staying afloat, nutrition, suicide, grief, and standing up to stigma

For the past few days, I have been struggling to stay afloat. I have been powering through feelings of suicidal ideations. Let's be frank about this. Just about everybody gets down, sad, "the blues," at some point in their lives. It's inevitable. Like I said in a previous blog post, life, especially one riddled with… Continue reading A confession on staying afloat, nutrition, suicide, grief, and standing up to stigma

chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Surfing the waves of chronic physical and mental illness

Trying something new. Blogging on a note-taking app on my phone. I hate typing on my this will be relatively short. Today I made an analogy on the comment section of another blog about living with mental illness as "surfing the waves." I had said something to the effect of: that is all we… Continue reading Surfing the waves of chronic physical and mental illness

chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Trying to find hope and usefulness in the dark

Having a Chronic Illness, especially one with never-ending pain is no fun. I usually always phrase things with "you." But I think I will try to phrase this particular posting with "I." I had always assumed (bad, I know) that there is someone, at least one soul, out there feeling the same way. Today I… Continue reading Trying to find hope and usefulness in the dark

chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Deleted! Finding comfort in your circle and other fun topics

Sadly, as I pressed publish for this about 15 minutes ago....the slate was wiped and everything. Thanking friends and medical personnel for their support. More about my CRPS foot and the most recent diagnoses added and surgery #3 pending. What fun things I will be doing this week. ug. Maybe tomorrow I can re-do.… Continue reading Deleted! Finding comfort in your circle and other fun topics

chronic illness, domestic violence, mental health

Let’s talk about stigma in the support community, and other ramblings.

             As I stated in my last blog the other day, I have been struggling. So I reached out to a few new groups that said they offer support for people going through like situations. Let's just say it's been a bit anxiety-producing and upsetting. I have tried to offer suggestions… Continue reading Let’s talk about stigma in the support community, and other ramblings.

chronic illness, mental health

Being An Advocate for One’s Health…Never Losing Hope

Hello fine readers of my blog. I had originally, back in December 2017, wanted this to be a blog of wellness and what I utilize with my chronic illnesses to stay well. It is still that, but on a deeper, more personal level. I know there are only a handful of you reading this that… Continue reading Being An Advocate for One’s Health…Never Losing Hope