chronic illness, domestic violence, mental health, Self-Esteem

Sorry for my absence for the past 2 years

I've not written a blog for close to 2 years, due to some comments I had gotten stuck on a loop in my brain during mental health month the other year regarding my one blog publication. The odd thing is, my therapist loved it. He had said he was proud of me for bringing frankness… Continue reading Sorry for my absence for the past 2 years

chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Long Time, No Write…

Recap, along with an update. It's been 7 months since I have posted anything. And let me tell you that it has been a very wild ride with my health. Both my physical & mental health. If you haven't read my blog before, you should know that I have several chronic illnesses. In 2013, when… Continue reading Long Time, No Write…

chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Long Time, No Write…

Recap, along with an update. It's been 7 months since I have posted anything. And let me tell you that it has been a very wild ride with my health. Both my physical & mental health. If you haven't read my blog before, you should know that I have several chronic illnesses. In 2013, when… Continue reading Long Time, No Write…

chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Surfing the waves of chronic physical and mental illness

Trying something new. Blogging on a note-taking app on my phone. I hate typing on my this will be relatively short. Today I made an analogy on the comment section of another blog about living with mental illness as "surfing the waves." I had said something to the effect of: that is all we… Continue reading Surfing the waves of chronic physical and mental illness

chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Trying to find hope and usefulness in the dark

Having a Chronic Illness, especially one with never-ending pain is no fun. I usually always phrase things with "you." But I think I will try to phrase this particular posting with "I." I had always assumed (bad, I know) that there is someone, at least one soul, out there feeling the same way. Today I… Continue reading Trying to find hope and usefulness in the dark

chronic illness, mental health, Self-Esteem

Deleted! Finding comfort in your circle and other fun topics

Sadly, as I pressed publish for this about 15 minutes ago....the slate was wiped and everything. Thanking friends and medical personnel for their support. More about my CRPS foot and the most recent diagnoses added and surgery #3 pending. What fun things I will be doing this week. ug. Maybe tomorrow I can re-do.… Continue reading Deleted! Finding comfort in your circle and other fun topics

chronic illness, domestic violence, mental health, Self-Esteem

Let me re-introduce myself…

It's been a month since I last worked on my blog.  Things have been a bit rough with my health and life, in general. For those who know me, or get my blog in your email (thank you!), you know I suffer from at times, debilitating mental health symptoms.  The downs and the "what does… Continue reading Let me re-introduce myself…

chronic illness, domestic violence, mental health, mindfulness, Self-Esteem

Needing to be heard

I've been quiet. My goal back in December, when I started to blog was to do it 5-6/7 days a week. I'd like to lend my knowledge of life experiences and circumstances to those going through a similar situation through my written word. This is one of the reasons I was re-trained, while being on… Continue reading Needing to be heard

chronic illness, domestic violence, mental health, Self-Esteem

Resharing about C-PTSD and nightmares

For those of you who have read this in the past two days already, thank you. It was nice to share with you. I am re-sharing this because I published it less than 24 hours before the big Superbowl, and I don't think it got out to too many people. Domestic Violence is something close… Continue reading Resharing about C-PTSD and nightmares

domestic violence, mental health, Self-Esteem

Complex-PTSD, Nightmares, and Such

Link to above Gaslighting article by Alex Myles. Link to EJ article on Anxiety and what everyone should know. I have been trying to write this post since Friday morning. Maybe even before then. But Friday was the straw that broke this camel's back. After waking up in a panic attack 3 times throughout the… Continue reading Complex-PTSD, Nightmares, and Such