
Safety or Growth?

Today has been a day of safety AND growth for me.  Safety, because I did alot of introspection and meditations since awakening. I believe there was learning, and therefore growth today. As I sit here drinking my Sleepytime Extra tea, which I've grown accustomed to tasting....I am trying to think of all I did today.… Continue reading Safety or Growth?

chronic illness

I am but a humble mermaid, trying to dance…

Some major foot pain today with the post-op 2nd reconstruction and the CRPS/RSD pain. My foot has been incredibly cold all day, despite being in two pairs of socks the past 6 hours. And the ones closest to me, those super fuzzy aloe vera-laced ones. After having my awesome boots on for the evening, I… Continue reading I am but a humble mermaid, trying to dance…


When people let you down

It's inevitable. People will let you down. That's why I went into veterinary medicine and have animals. Sometimes I just feel like giving up on people, or not trying so hard anymore.  Sometimes it's hard to do those Tiny Love Challenges and Be the change. Sometimes I just want someone to dote on me for… Continue reading When people let you down

mental health, mindfulness, Self-Esteem

How my thinking has changed over my lifetime

  There are so many things to write about flying through my mind. Now is not the time to be doing research for my future blog on CRPS/RSD, as my computer is slightly messed up. Yesterday, I guess it was, I saved the above 3 pictures off of Instagram when I made my "story" up… Continue reading How my thinking has changed over my lifetime


Stress & Meditation thoughts

As some of my close friends know, I am really into meditation, herbs, supplements, essential oils, etc. Basically mindful thinking and plant and mineral medicine. I have been working really hard on living in the present moment for the past 5 years. (And it is REALLY a struggle some days!) I have been meditating off… Continue reading Stress & Meditation thoughts