
Day 1 Guinea Pig ramblings

Last night, I took the “Week 1” suggested dose of 4-5 drops sublingually  (under the tongue) and held for 60 seconds before swallowing. Well, I tried. Being of a medical and scientific nature, I know that 20 drops is about 1 mL (milliliter) or 1 cc (cubic centimeter). And 1 mL, to an adult human is very little, so this was minute. I got the peppermint flavor, as you can see, in the pictures. Awesome choice. I get a whiff of it every now and then, being along my bedside table. Seeing that it is December 8, in North Eastern Pennsylvania, it is chilly; and our bedroom is the warmest room. So we hang out in the bedroom the

most in the winter.  My diffuser for essential oils shut off, so the mint aroma has been very noticeable. The brand I chose last year to take when I found out I had a very possible malignant adrenal tumor tasted horrible. It was like muddy tires. It was so bad that I put it in veggie caps and took it that way.

I’ve had two starting doses in about 20 hours. I’m gearing up for the third in a bit. It was recommended to me to take the drops 2 hours before or after food and/or medications and supplements. So I’ve been watching the clock and planning. This may be a good thing, because I’ve shied away from eating lately, not feeling well. It’s been going on at least a month. I really want this CBD oil to work, so I’m really making an effort to plan my food and medication times. I’m hoping it’s just food and not coffee and water, as I am a sipper all day long. As I become more familiar with blogging, I will be more organized and go through what medications and supplements I am utilizing and why.  I will try to reference where I learned about a specific supplement, but chances are there will just be a page with links for books, people, and sites I have been utilizing for decades.

Someday, maybe soon, I’ll get into my history, there is alot there to go over. It is important because each incident, traumatic or not, has formed me into the person I am today. If I wasn’t so sick and bed-ridden (practically) the past week, maybe I would have started this blog a week earlier and had this all done. Oh well. I’m taking my time with trying to remain unbiased and a “peer professional.” I’m trying to do at least one thing a day to the blog, including going to the Blogging U and learning the basics of blogging. But I digress…..many times over….

So anyway, the Hempworx 500mg Peppermint drops. I have this anxious habit in the past decade or so of biting and chewing my lips. One benefit of wearing lipstick, is the point to remember not to smudge it up by chewing my lips, and having to reapply it. And then sometimes I just don’t care and gnaw away. I have this spot on my lower lip that is injured. The lip balm just isn’t doing the trick, and by 4am this morning, I had had enough and dabbed the dropper on my fingertip and put that tiny amount on my lips. By about 8:30am, when I got up, it had felt better. I did it again at my morning dose. It’s slowly feeling better.

Last night, I took the drops at 11:30pm, about 3 hours after eating, and nixed my nightly supplements and two fibromyalgia meds. Yes, sometimes with being a [vet] nurse, I am the worst patient. (Should’ve seen me with my post-op foot surgery bandages in October….I’ll get to that whole ordeal in the future.) I really should have taken them when I woke up at 4am, but that would have meant playing Twister to get out from underneath the blankets and cats and puppy. And, in general, moving. Last night was a horrible night for restful sleep, with this morning’s last dream being a nightmare about high school and bullying. And it was very violent and pretty gory.  I was even playing the White Noise Pro app (which I highly suggest) and playing the Kalpa with Delta waves all night. Now the night before…..I slept almost the whole night through.  Tonight, I’m thinking of using the Insight Timer app and doing a Yoga Nidra meditation with one of my favorite teachers, Jennifer Piercy.

I’ve had a bit of dragging today, seeing that I really only took (3) 1&1/2-2 hour naps between 1am and 8:30am. But I’m making due. I function the best getting about 10 hours of sleep. (I don’t know HOW in the hell I was so successful as a regular vet nurse and emergency and critical care vet nurse on the weekends, working 60+ hours a week 20 years ago.)

The thing that seemed to help my pain the best today was a nice soak in the tub in hot water for almost an hour (in between dropping my car off for inspection, working on-line, and picking the car up).   It usually isn’t anything fancy. Just hot water. Sometimes epsom salt, baking soda, and/or essential oils.

While thinking about my messed up foot and the CRPS/RSD (to be explained in the future), there hasn’t been the electric shocks and burning hot jolts going on the past few hours. Knowing alot about pharmacology and chemicals going into a living being, I was not expecting to be healed today. I know it may take a while, especially for the CRPS/RSD pain. But, hey, my chewed lip is doing much better!

Take Care, Be As Well As Possible, and Until Next Time.


2 thoughts on “Day 1 Guinea Pig ramblings”

  1. I like seeing you Blog! I’m so glad you’re doing this! Both Patrick and I have seen amazing success with our adventures in CBD, I’m really excited to see how you do as well! ❤

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